Hi! We worked different carols in each form. If you do the puzzles you will find out which carols we worked with each year.
Enjoy it!
1st form
2nd form
3rd form
LeT'S MaKe a CRaCKeR (3rd form)
TeN iN BeD (2nd form)
Hello! Here there are the students from second form working on the story "Ten in bed".
I aquí hi ha la cançó... una manera molt divertida d'explicar la història.
I aquí hi ha la cançó... una manera molt divertida d'explicar la història.
SiT oN YouR CHaiR (4th form - JiGSaW)
Hello again! Aqui teniu el puzzle de la cançó que han treballat els alumnes de 4t: "Sit on your chair". Try it!
SiT oN YouR CHaiR (4th form)
Hello there! Here there is a video from our 4th form students. They are performing the song "Sit on your chair". We hope you'll enjoy it!
ONe, TWo BuCKLe YouR SHoe (2nd form)
Hello! Here there is a puzzle from the rhyme: "One, two buckle your shoe". Try it!
Cada setmana proposarem un puzzle relacionat amb els poemes, cançons, rimes... treballats a classe.
Només cal que cliqueu a sobre del puzzle per fer-lo; el primer és de 20 peces i el segon de 12.
Cada setmana proposarem un puzzle relacionat amb els poemes, cançons, rimes... treballats a classe.
Només cal que cliqueu a sobre del puzzle per fer-lo; el primer és de 20 peces i el segon de 12.
HaLLoWeeN CoLouRS (1st form)
Hi! Here there are the students from 2nd form working on Carolyn Graham's poem Halloween colours. Enjoy it!
HaLLoWeeN CoLouRS (3rd form)
Hello everybody!
Aquest serà el blog d'anglès dels alumnes de l'escola Pare Algué de Manresa. Aquí hi anirem penjant vídeos, imatges, fitxes... que anem treballant a classe... i per anar obrint boca... Halloween!
Halloween is here! The students from 3rd form worked on the poem "Halloween Colours" from Carolyn Graham's Jazz Chants. Here there is the video with their performance. Hope you'll enjoy it!
See you,
Aquest serà el blog d'anglès dels alumnes de l'escola Pare Algué de Manresa. Aquí hi anirem penjant vídeos, imatges, fitxes... que anem treballant a classe... i per anar obrint boca... Halloween!
Halloween is here! The students from 3rd form worked on the poem "Halloween Colours" from Carolyn Graham's Jazz Chants. Here there is the video with their performance. Hope you'll enjoy it!
See you,
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